VIP: The City of Ottawa

VIP Multimedia sculpture at City Hall in Ottawa

Between 2018 and 2019, our team took on the ambitious project of rehabilitating and upgrading the City of Ottawa’s first computer-based artwork, V.I.P. — a unique multimedia sculpture composed of concrete towers that house speakers and electronic components. Originally developed by the innovative composer Michael Bussière and brought to life through the sculptural forms of Mark West, V.I.P. was designed to be an interactive installation that responds to movement, creating an evolving tapestry of computer-generated music and sound compositions.

Our involvement brought a fresh perspective to this experiment in art, integrating cutting-edge technology to enhance the sculpture’s interactivity. We meticulously worked to preserve the installation’s original intent while modernizing its capabilities, ensuring it remained a captivating feature of Ottawa’s public performance art scene. This project was a testament to our commitment to the arts and technology, demonstrating our ability to sustain and improve upon the intersection of digital innovation and community engagement.

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